– Boak And Bailey on tour / Sunday May 18th 2014 – 2pm
Boak and Bailey will be parked in a cosy corner of Port Street Beer House for an informal chat, probably a reading, and maybe some questions & answers. So pull up a stool and join them for this FREE event.
Their book ‘Brew Britannia: the strange rebirth of British beer’ is set to be published on 19 June 2014 by Aurum Press.
background info :
In a barn in Somerset, plans are afoot to ferment a beer-cider hybrid with wild yeast that blows on the wind, while in Yorkshire an almost extinct style of ‘salty ’n’ sour’ wheat beer is being resurrected for the 21st century. Fifty years ago, this would have seemed impossible.
Back then, the prospects for British beer looked weak, sweet, bland and fizzy, as colossal combines took over the industry and put profit before palate. Before the Great War, there were 4,000 breweries in Britain; by 1970 there were a paltry 177, and each successive closure made grown men weep.
Today the number is at a 75-year high, with over a thousand in operation. Whether you drink traditional, CAMRA-approved ‘real ale’ or prefer a super-strong, fruit-infused, unfiltered, barrel-aged Belgian-style saison, you are spoilt for choice.
Brew Britannia tells the story of this very British fightback. With a cast of eccentric City bankers, hippie microbrewers, style gurus, a Python, and a lot of men in pubs, it reveals how punter power pulled the humble pint back from the brink.
JESSICA BOAK and RAY BAILEY have been blogging about beer since 2007, inspired by an eye-opening trip to Nuremberg. They have written articles for the Campaign for Real Ale and the Brewery History Society, among others. They live in Penzance, Cornwall.

– Meet The Brewer with Tiny Rebel – Monday 28th April
Doors open 5.30pm / event starts at 6.15pm
Tiny Rebel is a brewery in South Wales that has taken off in the last two years. Bradley Cummings and Gazz Williams have been busy guys! They’ve brewed a wide range of tasty beers, expanded their brewery, opened their own bar, taken part in numerous festivals and events and given their excellent beers some great names. All hail Hadouken!
In recognition of their efforts and fine works we have invited them to do a Meet the Brewer here at PSBH to give people a chance to try some of the new beers, learn more about them and generally show our appreciation for a good job well done. If you want to be one of these people put Monday 28th April in your diary and grab a ticket while you can.

– Festival of Britain(s Beers) UPDATED / Monday 31st March – Sunday 13th April 2014
It’s time to launch our year of festivals at Port Street Beer House and what better way to kick off the season with a celebration of all things British.
Prepare yourselves for a joyous jaunt around some of the greatest of British brewers and their offerings. We have exciting launches, one off beers and exclusive bottles in the mix from a variety Britain’s best and brightest brewers.
These include : Hopcraft, Summer Wine, Red Willow, Kernel, Magic Rock, Alechemy, Mad Hatter, Wiper and True, Celt Experience, Beavertown, Arbor, Siren and more! Keep your eye on our website for more details.
We will also be introducing the return of ‘Port Street Pop Ups’ on Thursday 3rd April with new residents ‘Mumma Schnitzel’, who will be serving up “the ultimate chicken burger” in the form of their infamous Chicken schnitzel. They will have also have a deep fried crispy halloumi option for vegetarians plus specials on a weekly rotation and of course, triple cooked, hand cut, skin on chips.
Here is what we have in store throughout the Festival Of Britain(s Beers) :
Monday 31st March – Meet The Brewer with Arbor at 5.30pm – SOLD OUT
Thursday 3rd April – Mumma Schintzel ‘Port St Pop Up’ residency launch at 6pm
Sunday 6th April – Hopcraft Keg Launch at 5pm
Tuesday 8th April – Wiper & True Keg Launch at 7pm
Wednesday 9th April – Five-Oh Brew Co – UK Exclusive Keg Launch at 7pm
Thursday 10th April – Magic Rock ‘Un-Human Cannonball 2014’ Keg and Bottle Launch at 7pm – more info HERE
Sunday 13th April – Mad Hatter Keg Launch at 5pm
* On each launch night, the selected brewer will launch a very special beer plus a surprise beer! We like surprises! Free entry on all launches.

– Photos / An Evening with Sierra Nevada – Tuesday 11th March 2014
Steve Grossman from Sierra Nevada hosted a wonderful evening upstairs in our saloon! For those lucky enough to grab a ticket, beers served on the evening were Sierra Nevada Pale, Hefeweizen, Belgian Style Black IPA, Torpedo and O’Bryan’s Anniversary.
Special thanks to Sierra Nevada and Common for the amazing chilli and cornbread.