– Port Street Christmas Quiz Wed 11 Dec 7pm
Remember last year when we threw a massive pub quiz at Christmas and gave everyone a free pint? Well, we’re doing it again.
FREE PINT OF JUTE FOR THE FIRST 50 QUIZZERS! Courtesy of SALT brewery, What a load of legends they are eh? Plus, the grand prize for the winners is a £50 bar tab AND Bottle of 3 Fonteinen Zenne Y Frontera. Tell your mates.
£2 per player and all proceeds go directly to Wood Street Mission.

– Book Street Swap House Sun 8 Dec 12pm
Yeah pints are good, but have you tried pints and books?
Bring along some of your own books and swaps as many as you like from the piles we have on offer. Haven’t got a book you wanna exchange? You can buy one for £2 – all proceeds go to Wood Street Mission.
Ps. all swaps or purchases get a free can of Union lager! Nice one.

– The Proper Football Quiz
Thursday 16th October 7:45 kick off
Max 6 aside. £2 per player.
Walk ups only!

– The Port Street Quiz is back.
WED 9 OCT / WED 13 NOV/ WED 11 DEC from 7pm
Work your way through 18 keg lines and 7 cask lines – as well as hundreds of rotating cans and bottles from the world’s best breweries whilst trying to remember some obscure facts you’re sure you read about one time. That’s the Port Street Quiz! Top prize is a £50 bar tab for Port Street Beer House and SALT brewery have thrown in some cans for first & second place… Legends!
£2 per player with all money going directly to Wood Street Mission – supporting children & families living in poverty in Manchester & Salford.