– IPA Smackdown! – Thursday 29th May
We were all greatly saddened by the loss of the Ultimate Warrior earlier this year and it seemed only appropriate to us at Indy Man Brew House to add our own efforts to the many homages to the late, great famous wrestler. Our friends at Black Jack and Hopcraft agreed. Together we brewed a tasty tribute in the form of a quite delicious Red IPA… only to find out that there was one final challenger the Ultimate Warrior had to face!
Hopcraft had also taken part in another Red IPA collaboration brew with the guys from Northern Monk Brewing Co. and Crafty Monk was the result!
After some investigation we realised that behind the cowl of the Crafty Monk there hid the visage of pretender Brett ‘The Hitman’ Hop! Honour must be satisfied, which of course can mean only one thing.
So we have organised a Smackdown in order for the Ultimate Warrior to prove without any doubt that even posthumously he is capable of making the Ultimate Splash.
Please come, show your support and watch a legend live on… 7pm / Thursday 29th May

– An Evening with Founders / Wednesday 14th May
6pm (upstairs in the saloon)
£20 advance from the bar or give us a call on 0161 237 9949
Joining us for the evening will be Founders very own Mike Stevens (co-Founder) and John Green (President). We will be sampling five beers in the comfort of our upstairs saloon, places are limited to 40, so grab your ticket now!
Mike Stevens and Dave Engbers both had steady jobs when they decided to chase their dreams and open a brewery – which meant quitting their jobs and taking out huge loans. They figured if you’re going to live life, you ought to live it hard and without regrets.
Founders are a group of passionate beer enthusiasts, a brewery which has grown around a simple philosophy: “We don’t brew beer for the masses. Instead, our beers are crafted for a chosen few, a small cadre of renegades and rebels who enjoy a beer that pushes the limits of what is commonly accepted as taste. In short, we make beer for people like us.”
Founders Brewing: The Story from Founders Brewing Co. on Vimeo.

– Meet The Brewer with Cromarty / Monday 19th May
£13 advance from the bar or call 0161 237 9949
Doors open 5.30pm / event starts at 6.15pm
The Cromarty Brewing Co. is still a bit of a newbie but has far surpassed the ‘Up and coming’ stage of things and is a well recognised and highly popular artisan beer maker. Although the family run company itself is only two years old, head brewer Craig qualified from Heriot Watt and has experience brewing with a range of people from the relatively nearby Cairngorm Brewery to American legends, the Odell Brewing Company. There have been many excellent breweries coming out of Scotland but Cromarty is unarguably a forerunner in both quality and consistency.
We at PSBH have enjoyed Craig’s beers (particularly Red Rocker) for the last two years and after his Manchester debut at IMBC last year we were keen to have him back. May 19th is the time, Port Street Beer House is the place.

– Photos / Meet The Brewer with Tiny Rebel – 28th April 2014
Many thanks to Gareth and Brad for coming all the way form Newport to host a Tiny Rebel ‘Meet The Brewer’ – here are few pics from the evening.