– Founders ‘All Day IPA’ (draught) Launch – Thursday 13th March / 6pm
Big happenings! How often do we dedicate one of our precious lines to just one beer? Almost never! In fact, since we’ve opened the only time this has happened has been when a new font has been put in specially.
The fact we’re doing so now is a testament to the tastiness of this particle beer. Founders ‘All Day IPA’ is the cat’s pyjamas, the bees knees and the mutts unmentionables.
If you’ve ever asked for a recommendation on a bottle of IPA at Port St, I am sure you will have tried it and loved it! So you’re going to love this even more, ‘All Day IPA’ will always be available on draught exclusively (in Manchester) at PSBH, Common and The Beagle.
We are proudly launching tomorrow (Thursday 13th March) at 6pm and there is a special surprise for the first fifty customers, see you at the bar!

– Meet The Brewer with Arbor / Monday 31st March 2014
SOLD OUT from the bar or call 0161 237 9949
Arbor Ales – you know them and you love them. You fancy something easy going and sessionable? Not a problem. You want something big and hoppy? You’re covered there. You have a hankering for something dark, malty and delicious? What a surprise there’s an Arbor beer for this eventuality too! They make excellent beer in all shapes and forms that can appeal to pretty much anyone.
Arbor have been producing beer since 2007 and literally have gone from strength to strength. Along with numerous awards they’ve upgraded the size of their brew kit twice, opened two pubs and done a whole bundle and a bit of their own tasty beers as well as numerous collabs with some of the best breweries around. Head brewer Jon Comer will be gracing us with his presence and a range of the aforementioned tasty beers on Monday 31st March please feel free to do similarly.

– Photos / Meet The Brewer with Weird Beard – Monday 24th February
Many thanks to all who came and enjoyed the wonderful evening with Weird Beard.
For those in attendance the beers sampled on the night were as follows Little Things That Kill, Single Hop Citra Pils, Five O’clock Shadow, Fade to Black and Decadence.
Here are some lovely pictures to accompany the event. Special thanks to everyone at Weird Beard.

– An Evening with Sierra Nevada / Tuesday 11th March 2014
7pm – 10pm (upstairs in the saloon)
Not much to say about these stalwarts of the USA brewing industry, pretty much says it all in the name! We are honoured to be hosting an evening with Steve Grossman, we will be tasting six of their wonderful beers throughout the evening.
This event will be held upstairs, seeing as it’s a Tuesday, we will be open as normal downstairs. So all the beers will be on the bar for everyone to purchase once the event has finished.