– Meet The Brewer with Cromarty / Monday 19th May
£13 advance from the bar or call 0161 237 9949
Doors open 5.30pm / event starts at 6.15pm
The Cromarty Brewing Co. is still a bit of a newbie but has far surpassed the ‘Up and coming’ stage of things and is a well recognised and highly popular artisan beer maker. Although the family run company itself is only two years old, head brewer Craig qualified from Heriot Watt and has experience brewing with a range of people from the relatively nearby Cairngorm Brewery to American legends, the Odell Brewing Company. There have been many excellent breweries coming out of Scotland but Cromarty is unarguably a forerunner in both quality and consistency.
We at PSBH have enjoyed Craig’s beers (particularly Red Rocker) for the last two years and after his Manchester debut at IMBC last year we were keen to have him back. May 19th is the time, Port Street Beer House is the place.