– Photos / Meet The Brewer with Darkstar – Monday 26th March
Our finest Meet the Brewer to date, Mark from Darkstar brought some very fine beers and some dry wit to a very entertaining evening.
We enjoyed cheese all the way from High Weald Dairy, Sussex… all in all, good times!

– Updated: Festival of Britain(s Beers) / March 26th – 8th April 2012
The end of this month sees our first festival of the year! We have taken on board some of your suggestions following our previous blog piece and we are proud to present a selection of Britain’s finest beers.
Update…… 15th March 2012
We thought we would entice you a little more for our forthcoming Festival of Britain(s beers). This festival is a must for a beer lover and it’s really exciting for us too. To have an entire Birtish tap takeover on our bar is something to be really proud of, because so many great beers are being brewed on these shores by amazingly talented people.
Here are four beers we are getting really excited about, these will be on during the festival period:
Summerwine Maelstrom
New permanent Double IPA, 9% in volume this is lining up to be an impressive beer. If Diablo is anything to go by it’s going to be epic.
Kernel Motueka IPA
Keg Kernel does not come around very often, we have had a couple but they have kindly done us some more. Motueka is a dual purpose hop variety from New Zealand and one of our favourites, bred from noble this hop imparts flavours of tropical fruit & spice.
Lovibonds Dirty 69
Were lucky to get this one too, a black version of the 69 IPA. Brewed with a nod to tradition but with modern techniques and hop choice. Hopped with Cascade and Chinook then dry hopped using the Hopinator.
Camden USA Hells
Brewed as a limited release, we have the only keg outside of London. Made with all US hops this unfiltered lager is not to be missed. Star spangled, hopped to hells.
/ UPDATED stock list :
Imp Stout
Black Coffee Pils
6 Hop
Juniper Rye
2009 Critical Mass
Jaipur Dry Hopped (two variants)
All Magic Rock core range
Gadds Kent IPA
Kernel Export
Red Willow Faithless XI
plus MANY more….
Magic Rock
8 Ball
Dark Arts
Human Cannonball
Saison DuPort
IPA Motueka
IPA Amarillo/Citra
Henley Gold
Henley Dark
Dirty 69
Lager Boy
USA Hells
Gadds South Pacific IPA
Darkstar Revelation
Brewdog Libertine Porter
Ilkley MJ Pale
The Festival of Britain(s Beers) launches on Monday 26th March with Darkstar / Meet The Brewer and continues until Sunday 8th April 2012.
Artwork by Steve Hockett.

– Meet The Brewer with Darkstar / Monday 26th March
As part of the Festival of Britain(s Beers) we are proud to present one of the UK’s best brewers around today! Please welcome a special Meet The Brewer all the way from sunny Brighton, Mark Tranter from Dark Star Brewing Company.
Brewery Info /
Dark Star was born in 1994 in the cellar of The Evening Star Pub, in Brighton. Then, with a brew plant only marginally bigger than an enthusiastic home-brew kit, the characteristic style of hoppy beers was developed and tried out on the willing guinea pigs at the bar.
Within a few hard working years it was obvious that the brewery could no longer keep up with the growing thirst of the Evening Star’s drinkers, yet alone the demand for its beers from other local pubs and beer festivals.
In 2001, the brewery relocated to a new purpose-built brewery in Ansty, near Haywards Heath. Then in 2010 the brewery moved to its third and current site in Partridge Green, West Sussex from where it still supplies the Evening Star with a selection of its beers, along with its sister pubs the Stand Up Inn, Lindfield, the Duke of York, Shoreham and it’s brewery tap, The Partridge in Partridge Green.
Meet The Brewer with Darkstar
Monday 26th March / 5.30pm – 8pm (event starts at 6.15pm)
Port Street Beer House, Port Street, Manchester

– Photos / Meet The Brewer with Brodies – Monday 27th February
Here are a few blurry pictures from last nights Meet The Brewer. Our most ‘outlandish’ event featured big hair, pies and cabaret.
Thanks to Brodies (for the beer and humour) and The Crusty Cob (for the pies)