– Photos / Meet The Brewer with Hardknott – Monday 30th April
I know we keep saying this, but our Meet The Brewer events seems to be getting better and better! MASSIVE thanks to all at Hardknott for providing a very entertaining evening.
We enjoyed beers including Cool Fusion, Continum, Code Black, Colonial and a very special 3 year Old Infra Red! Not forgetting the fabulous sausage and cheese from Melville Tyson butchers in Cumbria.
Thanks to all who attended and made it another sell out success. See you all at the next Meet The Brewer with Buxton brewery on Monday 30th May.

– Meet The Brewer with Hardknott / Monday 30th April 2012
Back in November 2011, Hardknott proudly launched Vitesse Noir at our lovely establishment. SO we thought it was time to open the doors and let them take over a Meet the Brewer evening. Be prepared for a bit of Sooty action and some fine beers!
Brewery info /
This brewery was originally located at the Woolpack Inn, at the foot of Hardknott Pass, near Boot in Eskdale but in Feb 2010 the pub was sold and the kit taken to an industrial unit in Millom. The pub continues to sell at least one of the beers.
The inn was bought in February 2004 by Ann Wedgewood and Dave Bailey. They decided in 2005 that the Bunkhouse was not making a significant contribution to the business and so they decided to replace the Bunkhouse with a microbrewery. The Woolpack was known to have brewed beer in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Dave became famous as Hardknott Dave for his blog, which you can read it by clicking here.
Port Street Beer School Presents :
Meet The Brewer with Hardknott
Monday 30th April 2012
doors 5.30pm / event starts 6.15pm
£8 tickets available from the bar or 0161 237 9949
Port Street Beer House, Manchester, M1 2EQ

– Record Store Day / Revolutions Brewing Company – Saturday 21st April
West Yorkshire-based craft brewery The Revolutions Brewing Co. has teamed up with Record Store Day to make a special beer to celebrate this year’s event on April 21st. We will be stocking this on cask at both Common and Port Street Beer House. The beer, to be called Revolver, will be available in cask and in bottles at selected outlets around the UK.
Record Store Day is a day to celebrate the cornerstone of our society that is, the independently-owned record shop. Special vinyl, CD releases and various promotional products are made exclusively for the day and hundreds of artists across the globe make special appearances and performances. This annunal event is celebrated on the third Saturday every April. We suggest you get off your arse, visit your favourite record shop and purchase some lovely music instead of downloading tracks for free, go support.
Our local emporium Piccadilly Records will be taking part in the event, we recommend you support your local dealer. Our big brother Common will also hosting a veritable feast of DJs on the day, you can read more about that here.

– ‘IPA is Dead 2012’ Launch / Wednesday 4th April – 7pm
Next Wednesday sees us launch another amazing beer by our friends from up north, Brewdog. Officially launched last week at North Bar this is a follow up event which sees it for the first and only time in Manchester.
Come down at 7pm to meet Josie and hear the story behind ‘IPA Is Dead 2012’, as well as drinking each one individually you can also blend all four together and construct your own personal IPA! It will be a great event that lets the drinker taste the major differences between hops of varying genus and global orientation, lots more information will be revealed on the evening.
Hope to see you down here.
Brewdog blog piece – http://www.brewdog.com/blog-article/some-cool-beers-that-are-in-our-tanks