– Photos / Meet The Brewer with Beavertown Brewery – Monday 19th August 2013
We had a great evening with Byron Knight and Logan Plant from Beavertown Brewery on Monday. We tasted some delicious beer and got extremely merry. Thanks to everyone that came down and hope you enjoyed the hotdogs!

– Charles Faram & Co., Roosters Brewery and Port Street Beer House present ‘Project R’ – Monday 9th September
5.30pm (doors) event starts at 6.30pm
£6 advance from the venue or over the phone 0161 237 9949
An evening of one-off beers, brewed by Rooster’s, using the latest hops from the Charles Faram UK breeding programme and brand new experimental hops from Slovenia.
Earlier this year, Rooster’s were approached by Charles Faram & Co. with a unique selection of hops, grown in 2012, from their UK breeding programme, and some brand new experimental hops from Slovenia – all the brewers were told was the code name of each hop sample.
Over the past few weeks, these hops have been used on Rooster’s experimental plant to create beers with the emphasis on the flavour and aroma of the individual hop samples.
Will these hops be grown again? Only with YOUR feedback can the growers make that decision!
We will be tasting all FIVE beers exclusively for the first time at Port Street Beer House. Join us on Monday 9th September. Tickets are available now from the venue or call us on 0161 237 9949.

– Photos / Meet The Brewer with Mad Hatter – Monday 29th July 2013
A big thank you to Gareth Matthews of Mad Hatter Brewing Company for hosting a brilliant Meet The Brewer and also to his wife Sue. A wonderful evening was had by all.

– Meet The Brewer witth Beavertown / Monday 19th August
5.30pm – 8pm (event starts at 6.15pm prompt)
£8 advance / available from the bar or 0161 237 9949
The lads of Beavertown Brewery, Logan Plant, Byron Knight, and James Rylance, started brewing opposite the smokers of Duke’s Brew & Que, its brewpub and BBQ joint, and conditioning the beers in a lock up near De Beauvoir Square in Hackney, North London. Quickly, the core range 8 Ball (6.2 % Rye IPA), Black Betty (7.4% Black IPA), Gamma Ray (5.4% American Pale Ale), Neck Oil (4.3% Best Bitter), and Smog Rocket (5.4% Smoked Porter) far outstripped demand and plans were hatched to secure bigger premises.
The move to Hackney Wick was made in March 2013, and the 4 BBL and 11 FVs now allow for the Alpha Series, the experimental range, to be greatly expanded, with barrel aging of Heavy Water, a 9% Imperial Stout presently underway. Other ideas for the Alpha Series include Berliner Weisse, The Big IPA, Saisons, Ancient Egyptian ale… clearly, the beery imaginations are running wild at Beavertown.