– Meet The Brewer with Bruno Carilli (Toccalmatto) – Monday 10th June 2013 / 6pm
SOLD OUT – available from the bar or call 0161 237 9949
Birra Toccalmatto started brewing in Fidenza, near Parma, in northern Italy, in 2008, initially producing 550 liter batches (just over 3.5 BBL.) Head brewer Bruno Carilli gained experience in the food and brewing industry, and then decided he wanted to produce his own beer. So, with the help of three friends, he made his passion for brewing traditional Belgian and British beers a reality.
Experimentation is a big part of Toccalmatto, and many of the beers are very hop forward. To aid in the development of local hops, cultivation of 16 new hop varieties has started between Fidenza and Tabbiano. Beers like ‘Zona Cesarini’, ‘B Space Invader,’ and ‘Tabula Rasa’ have already graced the Port Street taps, and for the Meet the Brewer, we will be tasting five of their wonderful beers, accompanied by some culinary delights.