– Brewers’ Group / Tuesday 20th November 7pm
“Brewers’ Group is an informal, monthly gathering for anyone who’d like to learn a little more about beer and how it’s made. The group aims to connect people with an interest in brewing, professional or amateur, so that we can all share knowledge and experiences and learn from each other in an informal setting.
We meet once a month upstairs at Port Street for chat, beer tasting, brewer’s mastarclasses, brewery visits and, of-course, a pint or two. It’s free and everyone’s welcome. If you’re a homebrewer, please bring along some of your homebrew to taste: letting other people taste your beer can be a little daunting at first (especially when there’re professional brewers in the house) but it’s a great opportunity to get valuable feedback, improve your brewing skills and learn something new; and that’s what we’re all about.
This month James Campbell, head brewer at Marble brewery, has kindly agreed to come and share his knowledge about high gravity brewing. James has made some excellent high alcohol beers during his time at Marble (and I’d highly recommend trying the Decadence if you get the chance) so we should be in for a treat.”
Where: Port Street Beer House, 39-41 Port Street, Manchester, M1 2EQ
When: Tuesday 20th November / 7pm
Free entry – for more info please email : brewersgroup@freshjava.co.uk