– Wylam Christmas Tap Takeover | Thursday 13th December 2018
Thursday 13th December 2018
Midday – Midday
Free entry
We are delighted to invite the North East’s finest for our annual Christmas tap take over. Let’s be honest, it’s drinkin’ season and boy do Wylam have treats for you:
Imperial macchiato 10.5% cocoa, vanilla, hazelnut and Columbian coffee stout
BA morello cherry porter 7.9%
Just about midnight 6.5% coconut cream porter
Reality asylum 7.4% southern hemisphere ddh ipa
Feasting with panthers 10.5% liquorice stout
Jakehead 6.3% ipa
Hickey the rake 4.2% pale ale
001 art series with pigs ears 5.0% ddh pale ale
Like robots 7.0% ipa
Cascade 4.1% cascade hopped pale
Galatia 3.9% pale ale
Jakehead 6.3% ipa
Hickey the rake 4.2% pale ale
Macchiato porter 6.5% hazelnut coffee porter
Just about midnight 6.5% coconut cream porter

– IMBC 17 Review by Cameron Steward
IMBC 17 Review
by Cameron Steward
It’s never fun queuing in the rain, but taking “pineapple selfies” whilst awaiting entrance into the North’s (perhaps even the UK’s) most revered beer festival certainly helped pass the time. To those who weren’t social media savvy our group must’ve looked like idiots, but when Beavertown take to the airwaves to plead for certain tropical plants you gotta step up, especially when there’s a mysterious prize involved… turns out that mysterious prize(s) were a can of Lupuloid IPA (6.7%), some Beavertown Extravaganza pins and a poncho. Now that’s a post-Brexit exchange rate I can get behind.
I realise the following sentence may get me blacklisted from all of Manchester’s finest bars and speakeasies, but I’ve definitely got hop haze fatigue. I’m all murked out, y’all! Thankfully, plenty of breweries have many other strings to their bows and served up slices of chop-smacking sours to satisfy my tarty tastes. Fierce Beer’s Very Berry (4.5%) and Brew By Numbers’ Cuvee 2017 (6.2%) were fantastic examples of wild ales at their biting best.
I usually keep my distance from Room 3 – it’s dark and the music is a bit rave-y. It reminds me of Laser Quest birthday parties; being gunned down by the local teenagers who would corner me until I was “back in play”, then shoot me down all over again – live, die, repeat. This year I decided to put my 90s-based traumas aside – plus my brother thought one of the DJs was very attractive… Turned out to be a great decision as Redchurch were delivering some of the best sours of the festival – Dry Hop Sour (5.4%) was ace but On Skins: Cherry (6.5%) was a face-contorting highlight. Suddenly I thought I heard a dance track I knew, and then remembered I’m old and boring so moved on to a different room.
Buxton brought along their soft serve machine, which although a bit gimmick-y, totally elevated their already great Original Blueberry Slab Cake (7%) to an astral plane. I even went a bit crazy and got soft serve Trolltunga (6.3%), their gooseberry sour IPA. Sacrilege, I hear you cry! Judge not, that ye be not judged… Or something to that affect, I would reply.
Making a lunch decision is always the hardest part of IMBC, and a last minute choice to get a Dirty Burger from Patty Smith’s turned out to be an excellent one, especially when paired with Wild Beer’s Wild Goose Chase (4.5%). Boom! Dessert was a Pecan Slab from the ever-amazing In Truffles We Trust, washed down with the frankly insane BA Imperial Chocolate Stout, Speyside Cacao (12.5%) by Dugges and Stillwater Artisanal.
Other beers were drank but haven’t been listed because they weren’t as good as the aforementioned (plus you’d get a bit bored reading about them) but the hit rate, as ever, was ridiculously high. And that also makes Indy Man a 6 for 6. Yep, 6 mother-flipping years and consistently the best thing that happens in my otherwise meaningless existence. Roll on 2018!!
Follow Cameron Steward on twitter

– Almasty Tap Takeover and PSBH Collab Launch
Thursday 23rd March 2017 / 5pm-late
We are delighted to welcome Almasty Brewing Co. (Newcastle Upon Tyne) to Manchester for a tap takeover AND the launch of the Almasty x Port Street Beer House collab, an as yet unnamed Snickers inspired stout.
Almasty is a search to create uncompromising big, bold flavours. A showcase for fresh, seasonally inspired ales from brewer Mark McGarry. The only constant is change.
Get excited.
Full line-up and details coming soon…

– Track x Odyssey Imperial Stout Launch / February 10th
What ho!
Our good friends Track are issuing a select number of pubs in Manchester with their new Odyssey Brew Co collab, Santa Muerte. We are one of the lucky few. Join us this Friday 10th February 2017 from 6pm for a first taste of this Chocolate and Vanilla Imperial Stout.
SANTA MUERTE LAUNCH / Friday 10th February 2017 / 6pm