– World Cup LIVE!
That’s right! We are showing every game of the 2018 World Cup LIVE upstairs on our big telly. Imagine you sat there in relaxed confines supping on a great beer. It’s too beautiful.

– Port Street Beer Quiz 10/05/18
Thursday 10th May 2018 / 7.30pm-late
Free to enter / bar tab prizes
Port Street Beer House
I’ve heard of Port Street Beer House but Port Street Beer QUIZ!?
Join us for a very special one off quiz on the theme of BEER. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream…beer.
Common Knowledge quiz hosts Duncan and Beckie will be testing your general knowledge on BEER, BEER in the movies, craft BEER, and there’s rumours of a premium BEER blind tasting round.
Assemble your beer team and come park the bus. Prizes aplenty with bar tabs and other beery souvenirs to take home.
To book a table in advance: info@portstreetbeerhouse.c

– Lervig Tap Takeover 06/05/18
+ Levant Street Food
Bank Holiday Sunday 6th May 2018
Stavanger powerhouses Lervig come to Port Street for an all-encompassing tap takeover. Creators of some of the juicest juice of recent times as well as conjurers of some of the best big dark beers maybe ever (um hello Three Bean, Konrad’s Stout, Sippin’ Into Darkness etc etc), this is one of our most anticipated tap takeovers of the year.
Come down, meet some of the Lervig peeps and maybe take away some Lervig swag.
3 Bean Stout
Hop Drop Sour
Konrad Stout
Passion Tang
Sour Suzy
Lucky Jack
Hazy Days
Orange Velvet
BA Coconut Kake
BA Toasted Maple
BA Barley Wine
BA Sipping Into Darkness
Meze masters Levant will be in attendance dishing up mixed maze plates and more besides. Last time they served up at Port Street their chicken shawarma and falafel wraps went down an absolute storm.

– Boundary Tap Takeover + Jerk Shack pop-up
Thursday 26th April 2018 / Midday-Midnight
+ JERK SHACK pop-up
Port Street Beer House
Free entry
We are joyed to welcome Boundary to Port Street for a tap takeover at the end of April. Line-up coming soon. Bob down and enjoy some fresh Boundary beers from Midday.
From 5pm we will be joined by Manchester food favourites, Jerk Shack. Jerk Shack dish up fine, fine Caribbean food from their home on Church Street. We are MUCH excited for them to jaunt across town and set up shop in the pub for one night only.
Boundary are “a Cooperative Brewery in Belfast owned and run by our members. Opening our doors in 2014, we are the first brewery in NI to bring together modern US styles with the more traditional Belgian/French style beers.”