– Week Two.
So, our first weekend went well, thanks to everyone who came down. You pretty much drank us out of some of our beers, we had to get emergency top up deliveries on Saturday morning! Thanks to Moravka and Prospect for helping us out with that. This week we have some pretty exciting new deliveries, I’ll post up some more details tomorrow, don’t want to get you too excited. There’s some pretty special American stuff en route and something from Darkstar which is so new it needs to be kept in the cellar for a week.
Little apology goes out to all the guys who enjoyed the view from the men’s toilets (direct eye level with a pole dancing class). We have ruined your fun and covered it up. ha.
In other Port Street news, so far this week we’ve had our snagging list with the builders so there are a few bits to touch up and finish off. Some of you observant types may have noticed that not all the lamps could be plugged in, that the accessible toilet hand dryer didn’t really work (at all) and that the lighting on the bar was wonky. Well that’s all sorted!
We also have some more fencing on it’s way to fence off the bin store, along with some more picnic benches and hopefully some planters. We’re exploring the options of growing our own hops. Should be a fine little beer yard when this weather eases up.
It was staff training day yesterday. We’re now replete with interesting beer facts, I’m sure the bar staff will enlighten you. If they can remember that is, we did end up trying quite a few. One of the many perks of working in a beer house.
At the moment we’re open every day except Mondays, from 4pm in the week and 12 noon at weekends. Hope to see you this week.
– As it was…
Before I post up pics of the opening, here are a few pictures of how Port Street Beer House looked in May, back when we first viewed it.
– 22 hours and counting
Not long to go! The first floor looks brilliant. It still has some finishing touches to the paint work to be done, plus it needs the furniture, art work, curtains and plants, but so far so good. I’d even say the floor has been worth the stress, argumentative phone calls and impending legal battle. Downstairs the back bar is cutting it fine and will be missing it’s back mirrors and wine library, but we can forgive that. It’ll still be perfectly capable of seating the ice bucket, glassware and till.The card machine should also be on that list but is delayed (just a little warning for those thinking of coming tomorrow).
Today has been pretty manic. We’ve had stair flooring going in, the concrete steps are formed, the CCTV is aligned and ready, the plants are bought and the stillage is built and serving it’s purpose. Whilst the Port Street staff are spending the night in the grips of insomnia, it’s still all go on site. By morning the painting and decorating will be complete and the bar will be ready and awaiting it’s pumps. Then it’s just a case of stocking up, installing the art work, arranging the furniture and keeping Will calm.
We have been dodging the ‘what time are you open’ question for days now, just in case. Well I’m going to say it. 6pm. Ish. Maybe. There you go, there’s no going back now.
Looking forward to seeing you there!