– Siren 2014 Magnum Giveaway
Raffle tickets are now available at the bar for our Siren competition to win a RARE magnum of Maiden 2014. One of only five bottles in the universe. Hand-painted so technically an edition of one. On some pricelessness tip – prolly talking £500ish if you wanted to put a figure on it. Contains outstanding Barley Wine, by all accounts.
Raffle tickets available from the bar and all proceeds will go towards The Horsfall (supporting young people under stress) and Mustard Tree (preventing homelessness and poverty in Manchester). Get your ticket to aid some great causes and your chance to take home this monster magnum of rare rare loopy juice. The winner will be announced before Christmas!

– Gift Vouchers Available Now
Gift vouchers are now available from the bar. Available in multiples of £10, Port Street gift vouchers can be used in exchange for anything from the bar – drink in, takeout bottles/cans, growlers, snacks galore.
Terms and conditions apply. Vouchers must be used in one sitting, no change given. Vouchers valid for six months after issue date and are non-refundable.
Asides that, it’s all fun and games! Would make a fitting Christmas present for the beer lover in your life.

– 2017 End of Year Review
Finally! It’s the most wonderful time of the year – PSBH End of Year Review time! Take a moment, please oh please, to fill in the questions below. We’ll collate, as always, the responses into a bumper beer post in January. Who will be your fave brewery of 2017? What beers blew you away this term? What will be the big fuss in 2018? You tell me!
Eyes down, no cheating!
Port Street Beer House End Of Year Review 2017:::

– Craft Ale Bar of the Year 2017
This week we were crowned CRAFT ALE BAR OF THE YEAR at the 2017 Manchester Food and Drink Awards, the 20th year of the awards. Thank you to all that voted and for your patronage this year. Onwards and upwards!